Oxenhall Daffodils
Welcome to the Parish of Oxenhall one mile from Newent on the road to Kempley.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to this rural part of Gloucestershire, part of the Golden Triangle. We are a small community of just fewer than 200 people. The parish has no village but a scattered community of houses, cottages and farms surrounded by fields and woods where the wild daffodils grow in abundance.
How fortunate that we can use this natural resource to help maintain our beautiful Parish Church with its magnificent font-one of only nine lead fonts in Gloucestershire. The open church, where light refreshments will be available, provides an opportunity to view the font and an exhibition by members of Oxenhall Parish History Group, entitled 'Hidden Treasures of Oxenhall'.
We use the church and the Parish Hall, formally the old school, to supply our visitors with food and drinks throughout the weekend. Also in this area there will be Plant and White Elephant stalls and a bottle Tombola.
Oxenhall might be a scattered community but on this weekend we enjoy working together to ensure our visitors are welcomed with friendly faces and a choice of menu. We are very fortunate that there are so many excellent cooks in the area!
It is hard to believe that 'rural' Oxenhall was once the centre of feverish industrial activity in the Victorian era. Today all that remains of these earlier activities are slowly being re-absorbed into our beautiful countryside. Evidence of this can be seen on a planned walk starting at the Church Car Park at 10.30 am on Saturday.
On this walk you will see some of our ancient daffodil woods, walk through commercial farmland including apple orchards and climb high on the hills above Oxenhall. See magnificent views of May Hill and the Cotswolds open up before descending to walk along the old canal route back to the Parish Hall where hot refreshments await.
We appreciate the support we receive from Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust who lead Open Day walks through local woods and fields giving visitors an opportunity to enjoy this beautiful part of Gloucestershire.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak - 2020 and 2021 Daffodil teas were unfortuantely cancelled.